Wednesday, May 31, 2006

More strange ebay

And no bids either !!

Click here

And Here


Womble said...

I think that the seller is full of shit, and aiming to sell to some other gullible twat.

I've got a magic pen that predicts lottery numbers, you know, but it's soooo good I don't want to keep it myself...

Spikey said...

Yup, the words Fluffy springs to mind.... ;)

Womble said...

Blessed Be, oh cherished one ;o)

(grins, ducks and runs)

Spikey said...

** lobs magical dried frog at Womble ! **

Womble said...

Mmm, well we've got the bat, we've got the frog, all we need is a newt and I reckon we'll be unstoppable!

Womble said...

Either that, or we'll have a very interesting stew... ;o)

Spikey said...

Yummy !!

Cooldrums said...

Boak on the dried frog and bat stew.
But I did once have a magic pen remember them.
You drew on paper and it was blue and then the other end made it invisable.


Womble said...

yeah, and if you scribbled with the white end, you couldn't write over it with the blue end...

Cooldrums said...

And I seem to remember that ruined the pen too lol
I say bring back thesec magic pens :-)