Friday, August 15, 2008

Theving Pixies !!

Thats the only choice i have.

The reason for this post is that I've been having a bad day today. Feeling very shaky, not able to focus, and generally feeling very twitchy.

Now, im sure i put the drying out this morning on the Maiden, in the back garden, nothing strange there, as it was a nice sunny day :o)

As my head was well and truly fucked, i had a quick nap to try to sort it out. It didnt work, and so i was still a bit fuzzy. Then, it started to rain, so i thought i best bring in the drying...... It was gone !!

Now, i looked round the garden, checked the gates, yup, still locked, looked in the shed and the garage, nope, its gone !

Now I'm beginning to lose the plot even more, so i contact Womble on MSN, she's not sure where it was last, but says it'll turn up !

So, i therefore believe it's the work of the Pikey Pixies, and when i get the little buggers, i want all my stuff back, as my new Craghopper trousers are on there, along with my fave black shirt !

Wonder if sprinkling iron fillings around will thwart there damn magic.................

I'm gonna sit in the corner now and hug n rock myself, and maybe dribble a little...


Seán said...

We did invoke King Puck on Tuesday night. Perhaps he followed you home!

Womble said...

Well he can just Puck off again!