Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Still Alive !

Yup, im still around.

So, what happened since my last post well, i'll break it down for ya.

Medical: Bad.

Crackhead neighbor: bad

Mates bike attempted theft: V.bad

Crackhead Neighbor attacking me with hammer: V V.bad !

Crackhead Neighbor lobbing Brick through window: Me have a nervous breakdown !

Police response: Waste of FUCKING time !

Womble coming over at 5am: V V Good !!

Moving out in about 5 hours: V.stressful, but also Good

Taking over Womble's house with all my junk: Not V.Good

Emergency appointment with Doctor: Bad, but got tranquilizers, so Good !

Letter from DWP saying im fit for work, all benefits stopped: V.V.Bad

Womble having to take me to A&E because i was suicidal, V.V.BAD !!!

Spending 5 hrs in A&E with Crisis Team: Not all bad, as got referral to Mental Health Team.

Seeing Doctor to explain what happened day before: Good, and got a sick note for 1 month.

Going for a walk in the woods with Womble: Excellent !!

Going to Boltons Frog parade on May Day: Damn good fun :oD

Having Grav and Howard Help me with Bike: Great to have mates !

Going out on mountain bike: I really need to get fit, but fun in the sun !!

So, there you have it, i've missed some bits out no doubt, but i think you get the general idea !!

Abnormal service will continue as and when i can ;o)

Laters Peeps !!

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